House Community

Each house serves as a family of students within the broader school community. Houses allow for deeper connections and friendships to be forged.
Wilberforce’s “House” Community begins in Middle School (6th-12th grades) and is divided into four houses. Each house is named after a significant member of the Clapham Sect, those individuals associated with William Wilberforce in his great works. The purpose of the house community is to build a culture of leadership, service, mentorship, and joy. The House Community offers opportunities to strengthen relationships across all middle and upper school grades. Click the house flag to learn about each house's namesake and unique traditions.
House Activities
Tournament: Games & Competition focuses on developing unity and team building through various athletic games and activities. Games include football, basketball, soccer, and other traditional sports. Competition may also include dodgeball, obstacle courses, kick ball tournaments, capture the flag, and other activities. Students also compete in non-athletic activities, such as aluminum foil dress pageant, scarecrow character design and build, and inflatable sumo suit competition. Top seed positions earn points, and points are also awarded to houses that display good sportsmanship in the tournaments.
Build: School Service & Culture Building strives to challenge students to develop a character of service that focuses on the school building itself. "Build" shapes hearts to desire to make the physical environment of the school a beautiful experience for those who use it; it is a way to bless the Wilberforce community. Build may also include school events, such as sports games, dances, musicals, theatricals, and traditions. Each House forms groups that plan, manage, or aid these events.
Ministry: Outreach & Service looks to the local and global community. "Service" seeks to develop the habit of service to the community outside of the school. This may entail, but is not limited to, service at a local church, raising funds for missionaries or charities, working in a soup kitchen, and other service-related events. Each House will plan out service opportunities throughout the year. Points are awarded to houses and individuals who participate at service events.