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History of The Wilberforce School

The Wilberforce School’s beginnings trace back to when two moms started looking for schools for their young children. They were looking for a school that had academic rigor and depth, but also addressed children's spiritual formation; for time-tested academic content and teaching methods, grounded in historic Christian faith and practice. They did not find a school with that mission in Princeton. So they looked around in other parts of the country and began learning about Charlotte Mason and classical Christian schools. They found a school in West Dallas, Texas that combined these emphases beautifully, and partnered with the West Dallas Community School to form a sister school in Princeton. The Wilberforce School opened its doors in 2005, with 28 students, JK-3rd grade. Each year a grade was added until Wilberforce reached 8th grade.

The school was named after William Wilberforce, the great British statesman that lead the campaign in England to abolish the slave trade. Wilberforce’s faith in Jesus Christ changed him from a careless, wealthy young politician to a tireless, compassionate public servant. He developed and used his gifts of leadership and persuasion to champion countless efforts to better society. He was a moral leader who voted against his party when principle required it. His partnership with his Christian brothers and sisters in the Clapham Sect serves as a model for Christians working together to bring about meaningful reform in society. He persisted for decades in the tasks God had called him to, despite illness, physical threats, and enormous opposition. Our school was founded to cultivate students who are equipped to be leaders like Wilberforce.

For some years, The Wilberforce School was a junior kindergarten through 8th grade school. The founders discovered an extraordinary high school called Trinity. Founded in 1981 by Notre Dame professors, Trinity combined a rigorous approach to science, math and engineering with a deep study of the greatest works of literature, history, art and music. Wilberforce's leadership recognized this program as a wonderful culmination of our original JK-8 curriculum, and partnered with Trinity to build the Wilberforce Upper School.

Now Wilberforce is a thriving JK-12 school with a unique culture. Our goal is beyond college prep - we seek the cultivation of mature adults who seek to honor and serve God in their various callings, and are equipped to do so effectively. Through the years we have been delighted at the growth of various activities in the life of the school - athletics, debate, the arts (choral and acapella singing, musicals, visual arts), and more - which give students opportunities to grow and flourish. As we have grown we have remained focused on those same priorities the founders began with - integration of vibrant, historic Christian faith with a rich, vigorous academics.

Photo of the first class of Wilberforce and the teachers outside.

All school photo 2005. 

The entire Wilberforce school on the front steps of the school.

All school photo 2019.