Academic Excellence

Our faith calls us to do all we undertake, wholeheartedly and with all our might, as an act of worship to God. Our desire is to see God at work in our school as God draws our students’ hearts to love Christ and shapes their minds to be active, vigorous, and informed by biblical truth. At Wilberforce, we place a high value on excellence and effort, and we give special emphasis to the following four learning components:
At Wilberforce, our teachers are held to the highest standards for academic excellence; simultaneously, teachers also foster students' spiritual growth, modeling the integration of faith and learning.
We instill the importance of exceptional study habits into our students. This includes challenging them to use and develop their God-given gifts to their highest potential to the glory of God and in humble service to others.
Students at Wilberforce engage with living books, internalize lessons from the great masters, and develop a deep love of learning within a classical framework.
Academic Pace
We offer a rigorous curriculum providing students with a challenging and rewarding learning experience.