With 29 wins overall and a 64% win rate, Wilberforce snagged FIRST PLACE for overall wins and FIRST PLACE for percentage of wins.
In a virtual sweep of tournament awards, individual Wilberforce teams took four of the top six slots:
1st Place: Anna, Donald, Evaline
2nd Place: Joyce Emma, Hope
4th Place: Gemma, Jessie, Zoe
5th Place: Nate Ho, Griffin, Naomi
And now to the individual speaker awards as reported by the league:
1st Place Speaker: Hope
2nd Place Speaker: Evaline
3rd Place Speaker: Zoe
and last but not least . . .
Anna Cottone took home the Wilberforce Team speaker award!
CONGRATULATIONS to each and every one of you! We're so proud of you! And thank you so much to our case captains and those of you who really put in a lot of extra time getting the arguments in shape the week before the tournament. And thank you to our amazing assistant coaches Joshua, Katherine, David and Maria. And thanks to all the volunteer judges. We couldn't do it without you!