Classroom Hours
Classes 1 - 5 meet Monday through Friday, 8:10am to 3:05pm.
Class 1 and 2 Optional Afternoons
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday half-day option:
Class 1 and 2 students have the option to go home at 12:30pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This allows more time during these younger years for play or to incorporate sports or music without over-scheduling. No core activities take place during MWF afternoons. Students who stay for MWF afternoons eat lunch together and then enjoy nature walks, read aloud time, silent reading, handwork, dramatic arts, and music. They also have time to do their homework. Students enjoy having more informal time together and more time to do some of their favorite activities.
After School Activities
For information on after school clubs, please see the After School section of this website.