The Wilberforce School covers church history, biblical studies, and apologetics in Upper School theology courses. This framework is designed to impart an understanding of the church’s history and foundation, a strong biblical knowledge, appreciation of one’s own faith tradition, and the ability to articulate and discuss faith with others.HISTORY & CREEDS OF THE CHURCH
High school students begin their four-year theology studies with History & Creeds of the Church, where they study the earliest creeds, such as the Apostles, Nicene-Constantinopolitan, and Chalcedonian, as well as the subsequent missionary movements of the church. Students interact with and discuss the importance of these creeds and their impact upon the church today, and conduct an independent study of their own faith tradition.
The Old Testament course introduces students to the corpus of biblical literature. Students will examine various genres and interact with significant themes from the Old Testament, including the fall, the promise of the Messiah, and the formation of God’s people Israel. This class also addresses textual critical issues. Students also study contemporaneous Ancient Near Eastern literature and read sections from the Apocrypha.
The New Testament course continues the study of the biblical corpus, where students read the entire New Testament and focus on Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament expectations. Students also study the cultural milieu of the New Testament world and discuss the formation of the New Testament canon.APOLOGETICS
Upper School Theology ends with an Apologetics course, which is designed to allow students to engage other religions and worldviews from a Christian perspective. Students learn to respectfully interact with perspectives different from their own as they discover the validity and credibility of the Christian faith, while simultaneously cultivating wisdom and humility in their interactions with others.
Grade 9: History of the Church
Grade 10: Old Testament
Grade 11: New Testament
Grade 12: Apologetics