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Junior Projects

Each year our juniors design independent inquiry-wonder projects, focusing on any area of personal interest or passion. These projects may examine a field the student plans to study in college, or the project may address topics of personal discovery. As the students work from two to four months on their project, they sometimes satisfy curiosity or even discover a calling.

Junior Projects can range from medicine to woodworking, from tracking hurricanes to running a small business. In all cases, juniors plan their projects and choose their faculty advisors. Junior projects teach problem-solving, uncover the many strengths of our students, and build our community. Watching students and advisors work together, listening as peers practiced and critiqued each other’s defenses, and hearing the final polished defenses: these all highlight the value of a community of learners. They also portend a lifetime of learning.

Watch a few short videos of Junior Project Defenses below:

Sketch Comedy

The Impact of Beauty Standards

Portrait Art

Book Proposal and Chapters

Sports Complex Architectural Design

Living Out Christian Vocation

Listen to what a Junior Project is on our Podcast...

The “Junior Project" is a marquee experience in the Wilberforce Upper School. Each junior chooses a project they are passionate about or a specific area of interest. Students are paired with a faculty advisor who work alongside the student as he or she labors on the project for several months.

Projects range from engineering to the arts to service and entrepreneurship. The project gives students an opportunity to dive deep into an area of interest and discover if it is a possibility to pursue for college and a future career. It is a maturing experience requiring students to develop a product they are proud of.

Please listen and hear some of the unique and impressive Junior Projects from this year, which range from sketch comedy to documentaries on beauty standards, to original architectural design for a new Wilberforce athletic facility.